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Business Owners

business owners financial planning

Business Owners

“I was impressed with the tools they applied and advice provided around a fairly complex pension situation. I am retiring in August, confident in the plan and forecast model we have developed.”


Let us take care of your personal finances.

As fellow business owners, we understand the time pressures that you face. You have no doubt put in considerable effort to make your business profitable, and may have overlooked your personal finances. Our highly qualified and experienced staff provide financial advice to business owners and are ready to provide a professional yet friendly service to you.

We recognise that you know far more about your business than we do – our involvement is to give you the peace of mind that your personal finances are properly taken care of. We can work alongside your accountant to help you make the most of the options available to you, allowing you to focus on running your business and life outside of work.

We can discuss your options regarding the use of dividends and a reduced salary in order to increase the amount of money you can take home from your business while ensuring you remain firmly within the relevant tax rules. We would explore the scope for employer pension contributions directly from your business, as this is a great way to get monies out of your business in a tax-efficient manner.

We are also aware that being your own boss does have its downsides. You don’t receive the same financial benefits and protection that your employed peers are likely to receive, including matched pension contributions and life assurance. This makes it even more important for you to receive financial advice on your own pension provision and use the allowances you have available to plan for your future.

Finally, when the time comes for you to exit your business, we can help you identify how much you need to be able to enjoy your retirement and live the life you choose. We will also provide investment advice so that the proceeds can be used in accordance with your Financial Plan and take into account any Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax issues which may arise following the sale of the business.

If you’re a busy owner of a successful business, let us take the responsibility of your personal finances off your to-do list.

Seeking Financial Advice as a Business Owner?

Get in touch so we can help you take control of your personal finances. 

Let us use our five decades of experience to help you.

Please fill out the form and we will get back to you shortly.